Settled winery sludge pumped to a "Day Tank" then to a V-FOLD filter.
Winery sludge pumped from Clarifier underflow directly to a V-FOLD filter without intermediate storage
Winery sludge float from Induced Air Flotation overflows directly to a V-FOLD without additional polyelectrolyte or intermediate storage
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V-FOLD operating on winery Waste Activated Sludge (lagoon anaerobic/aerobic digestion) with intermediate storage but no pre-thickening stage.
V-FOLD operating on waste activated slurry (aerobic digestion in sequential batch reactor). WAS is stored in a balance tank and mixed with other winery waste before dewatering. No pre-thickening stage is required.
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V-FOLD operating on waste activated slurry (lagoon aerobic digestion)with pre-thickening in clarifier, then direct feed to the V-FOLD. |
V-FOLDs operating on waste activated slurry (lagoon aerobic digestion) with pre-thickening in a DAF (float stored in a balance tank before dewatering). |
V-FOLD operating on waste activated slurry (lagoon aerobic digestion)with pre-thickening on gravity draining belt feeding directly to the V-FOLD. |